Wine Evening at De Zalze Golf Club

Wine Evening at De Zalze Golf Club

Celebrating fine wine in good company.

-Last Friday, De Zalze Golf Club played host to our very own wine evening, and we couldn't be more grateful for their partnership and ongoing support. As the sun set over the lawns, we gathered for a delightful picnic, complete with wine tastings, delicious charcuterie boards, and live music by Chris Rain. It felt like the perfect farewell to the fading days of summer.
The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as friends, family, and special members of the trade mingled. The highlight of the evening was the unofficial unveiling of our latest vintage, Myst Pinot Noire 2023, accompanied by beef carpaccio. Additionally, guests had the pleasure of indulging in our three year barrel-aged Grappa, paired with decadent chocolate brownies, all expertly prepared by Chef Robert Heeger.
In a heartfelt gesture, we presented our top two customers, Pieter Louw and Rob Knight, with their own private labels. Rob's "The Knight" adorned our Myst Pinot Noir 2023 while Pieter's bespoke label, "Madame Butterfly," graced our Coracle 2021, named after his beloved cat.
None of this would have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our incredible team. Special thanks are due to Leandre Saunderson and Jason Bird for their organisation at De Zalze. And, of course, we extend our deepest gratitude to all who attended and supported us - it truly was a night to remember.
As we reflect on the success of the evening, we are reminded of the power of collaboration and the joy that comes from sharing exceptional wines, delicious food, and cherished moments with those we hold dear.
New Succo Marcio Grappa coming soon...
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